The Soul Detox is a personal development program designed to help men reach all their #RelationshipGoals ...whether those are romantic, familial, friendship, etc.


This format of the Soul Detox for men is called the Relationship Readiness Journey because it prioritizes:

  • Time: A new lesson is completed every week for 12 weeks
  • Community: Online discussion community
  • Professional support: Monthly group coaching sessions

The Soul Detox is for men who want to answer these 3 questions:

Module 1: "How can I improve myself for better, healthier relationships?"

Module 2: "What tools do I need to change things?"

Module 3: "How do I apply my transformation tools to real life, modern day relationships?

This program has been known to raise self awareness, end negative relationship patterns, increase confidence and expand your healthy relationship possibilities.

Each week you will receive a new session with activities and videos that will move you closer to reaching your #RelationshipGoals. You will be required to post weekly check in answers to discussion questions by Saturdays at Noon.

We will meet monthly as a group for coaching, Q&A, etc.

The Soul Detox is perfect for

  • men who want healthy, happy relationships in the future.

  • men who want to prepare to meet "the one".

  • men who are emotionally ready to break old cycles and patterns

  • men who are proactive about emotional and mental wellness.

  • men who want to explore any unfinished emotional business and is ready to "invest in" himself.

  • men who are fresh out of a marriage or relationship looking to grow from that experience, not fall into old patterns.

  • men who want to improve in the dating process.

Are either of those you? If so, apply now.

Nothing will change in your relationship life until YOU do.

We've laid out a seamless process to help you do exactly that!!

If you trust, fully engage in and complete the process, we can help you reach your relationship goals.


Antonio, Married - California
Antonio, California (Married)

I learned a lot about how my core need from childhood impact my decisions and relationship practices now.

It is a life-changing experience/opportunity. It will make you take a deeper look at your life, yourself, and your relationships.

Jonah, Louisiana (Coupled)

It will help you grow and improve your relationships. The reflection really gives you great insight into why you may do some of the things that you do.

The program is great, and I would recommend it to anyone who has any type of relationship in their life. Even if your relationships are going well this program can help to improve those relationships!

MODULE 1: The Treasure Hunt

In this module, we answer questions like "What's wrong with my dating life?!?!?" and "Why do I keep having these relationship issues?" 

Whew! Grab a shovel because we're about to dig up some stuff (treasure) to get answers! When this section is done, you'll be incredibly clear on exactly what has been holding you back in your relationships.

5 Sessions in this module include:

Family of Origin - Understanding how your family pattern have impacted you and how you handle relationships.

Herventory - Taking an objective inventory of the women you've liked, loved and cared for.

Self-Stare - we will uncover long held self-sabotaging beliefs, patterns and experiences.

The God Peace - Exploring the impact of faith on your relationships.

The Reflection Section - Goal Setting based on the "treasure" we've uncovered.

"The SelfSTARE section (a section in the Treasure Hunt) has been the most valuable to me. The most surprising discovery from that section was my denial in various places in my personal and dating life. It was hard to realize because I always thought I was doing a good job. I thought I was self aware enough to not be in denial but I was/am. I'm glad to be working on it."

- Soul Detox Client

MODULE 2: The Transformation

This module answers the questions: "How do I become a better, healthier version of myself?" or "How do I change things for the better?" 

Put on your seatbelt! This is where you're given the tools you need to transform your relationship patterns. Building on the discoveries from the 1st module, we deal with a number of topic. 

4 Sessions in this module include:

HEmotional - Understanding and utilizing the full range of emotions to find healthier ways to manage disappointment, rejection, etc.

Adequate and Able - Owning the reality that you are enough and maximizing your relational strengths.

Forgiveness & Boundaries - Making peace with the past while setting healthy emotional and relational boundaries (not barriers).

Others' Awareness - Tools for gaining unbiased clarity about those you relate to.

"I value the group discussion with the others. I enjoy the sense of oneness in our experiences. If not for the group discussions, I would feel alone and isolated a I process throughout this program.

- Soul Detox Student

The Experiment

This module will answer the question: "How do I apply my transformation tools?" 

We get to have some fun with this one! This social experiment challenges you to put your new tools to the test using the dating relationship as the backdrop...with lots of support and accountability. You will follow a different track based on your relationship status.

3 Sessions in this module include:

Lead with Vision

Single and Coupled Men: Writing the Vision and making it plain

Lead with Integrity

Single Men: Preparing to Date

Coupled Men: Preparing for your Mate

Lead with Effort

Single Men: Experimental Dating

Coupled Men: Dating Challenge with your wife or girlfriend

"These have been the absolute BEST dates of my life! I wasn't expecting that."

- Soul Detox Client

Hi! I'm Tracy Ready!

Your fearless facilitator

I'm a Personal Development Consultant and Therapist. I've utilized my 15 years of experience with helping couples and individuals to develop this program.

This curriculum will help you find the blind spots that impact your relationships and equip you with tools that will break habits and patterns.

You'll finish the Soul Detox with every tool you need to reach your #RelationshipGoals.

It is my pleasure to serve you.


How will this program help me find love?

This program is designed to help you become a healthier, more relationship ready person. This has led past clients to meeting, dating and marrying higher quality significant other. This process has a strong history of success.

Is this for me?

The Relationship Ready Journey of the Soul Detox is for anyone who want to remove any barriers that stand between them and the supportive, respectful relationships they desire. 

What types of issues will I explore?

The course cover personal development topics such as family of origin, boundaries, limiting beliefs, etc. After the personal development phase of your love journey, we will deep dive into applying the tools and skills that you learn throughout this program.

The activities and videos will challenge your patterns, thought processes and behaviors that are currently barriers between you and healthy relationships.

What is included in my purchase today and what is the cost?

  • Access to the program
  • Access to the online group discussion community
  • Monthly coaching meetings

Get started for as little as $23 today (with approval)! 

How long does it take to complete the program?

You will receive a new session each week for 12 weeks. You will be required to post 1 or more check-ins every Saturday by noon.

Tell me more about the monthly group meeting?

Through the monthly mentoring and consulting meetings, you will accelerate your progress! 

  • We will meet live, virtually in group sessions
  • You can ask additional Q&A and clarity about assignments and activities
  • Get supportive advice and recommendations

Man, what are you waiting for?